013061 54 X 108 in. Design on Clear Lace Look Table Cover, White


013061 54 X 108 in. Design on Clear Lace Look Table Cover, White

In stock

SKU: 013061 Category:


Creative Converting is a leading manufacturer and distributor of disposable tableware, including high-fashion paper napkins, plates, cups and tablecovers in a variety of solid colors and designs appropriate for virtually any event. A complete offering of decor and accessory items including foil decorations, candles, paper lanterns, confetti, cello bags, centerpieces, streamers, banners, gift bags and invitations are available. Features

  • Design On Clear Lace Look Table Cover.
  • Color – White.
  • Covers An 8 ft. Banquet Table.
  • Size – 54 x 108 in.
  • Dimension – 16.25 x 7.5 x 0.25 in.
  • Item Weight – 0.39 lbs.


Additional information

Weight 0.81 lbs
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