Slytherin Socks Harry Potter


Slytherin Socks Harry Potter

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SKU: 39026 Category:


Tip the Scales
When you’re siding with the snakes, it can be frustrating when people are casually throwing shade your way. Yes, Voldemort did indeed come from this house. And yes, he did some pretty dark deeds but let’s not forget that all the power came from great ambition. While we don’t want to connect this master of the dark art’s evil tendencies with our house any more than people already do, the ambition is totally up our alley. As long as you leave the desire to take over the world aside, there is nothing wrong with ambition! From Quidditch to studying, these Slytherin kids have the drive to stay on top. 
Product Details 
These socks are just what you need to go with your school uniform. The argyle is sharp with dark green diamonds on a gray background and they pull up to the knee. The front of the socks features a Slytherin shield with a golden flag in the front.
Slytherin Style
 None of us would mind hanging out in the Slytherin common room. With high back chairs and a roaring fire, it makes us, once again long for a chance to sit under that sorting hat! These socks might inspire a little more ambition in life, the next thing you know, you just might be speaking Parseltongue. Just be aware, if you find yourself wanting to take over the world, take a chill pill.

Additional information

Weight 0.13 lbs