Category: uncategorised

By empadmin

Loyalty Program

Did you know The Party Place has a Loyalty Program?

Just by purchasing things at either of our stores, you earn steep discounts! You get one point for each dollar you spend, and points never expire!

  • 100 points = $5 off!
  • 300 points = $30 off!
  • 500 points = $75 off!

Another reason to make The Party Place your Party Headquarters!

By empadmin

Napkin Engraving

Add a personal touch to your party with custom engraved napkins from The Party Place.


We have many different styles and colors of napkins to choose from as well as a variety of engraving styles. All you have to do is:

  • Order your napkins early.
  • We require a minimum of one week advance notice so that we have time to get the engraving done.
  • Come in to the store and choose your napkins. You can simply pick some up off the shelf.
  • Choose your engraving style and let us know what you’d like engraved on them.
  • Come back and pick up your order! It’s that simple.