Summer Kick-Off Party
When you think of summer you think of the kiddos finally being home from school, but things have been slightly different this year with the kids coming home much sooner than they normally do. What better way than to mark the joyous occasion of summer break despite the no scenery change than with a fun summer kick-off party?

This is not meant to be a big bash that you invite a lot of guests to but rather something special for you and your family to have a mini one day stay-cation of sorts. In my personal opinion, no party, even ones at home, are complete without special decorations that set it apart from a regular day at home — even when the guests are your immediate family members.
When I was a kid my mom went all out for every single occasion — I am talking all of the bells and whistles and every tiny little detail thought of and let me tell you I can still remember these special moments and can’t wait to make them with my little boy as well.

This particular party is going to be more geared toward your younger kiddos, but you can certainly tailor it to fit a group of older kids.
Don’t just make it about one little thing — plan multiple activities or fun surprises to space out over the entire day. But remember the most important thing… keep committed to the theme.

Here are a few ideas: pick up some small and fun plastic buckets or cups from the Party Place and make dirt in a cup for a yummy sweet mid-day treat. Perhaps take the kids outside for some fun in the sun with sidewalk chalk and celebrate with a few popsicles. Don’t have a pool? No problem! purchase a few lays and other luau items and have a faux pool-day the Islander way with the kiddie pool or sprinkler. Instead of sticking with your usual dinnerware grab some fun themed plate and napkins at the Party Place as well.
Whatever you do just remember to make it fun and special. We are living in a different time right now which means we need different kinds of ideas for parties and fun with our loved ones.