February 27, 2020 By empadmin 0

Easter Egg Designs to Dye For!

Easter is upon us.

Are you thinking, “oh no, I’ve got to decorate eggs again”, or are super excited about this magnificent occasion?  If you really are dreading this task, think about how much fun it can actually be! The following designs are for everyone—including Dad (zombies and Superman, anyone?) So let your inner ar-tist flourish, and get creative, because regardless of what side you’re on, these following Easter egg ideas will have you hopping for joy!


First things first, the supplies–number one being: the dye. You can either opt to create the dye yourself (handy dandy recipes down below), or you can go to the store, and buy the easy-to-use tablets. Either way, you must have dye. Other supplies possibly needed for the following ideas are googly eyes, glue, feathers, permanent markers (do not underestimate the power of the permanent markers), panty hose (it will make sense on #7), herbs (same), glitter, temporary tattoos, paint brushes, sponges, and anything else you want to use to add some flair!

How to Make Your Own Special Colors – Paint & Dye DIY Instructions


Dye: ½ cup water + 1 tsp. vinegar + food color

Violet Tulip: 2 drops red, 20 drops blue

Freesia: 1 drop red, 45 drops yellow

Celosia Orange: 2 drops red, 17 drops yellow

Placid Blue: 4 drops blue

Paint: ½ tsp. vinegar + food color

Violet Tulip: 1 drop red, 7 drops blue

Freesia: 1 drop red, 45 drops yellow

Celosia Orange: 3 drops red, 17 drops yellow

Placid Blue: 2 drops blue

Other Must Have Spring Do It Yourself Egg Dye Colors:



To Dye for Egg #1 – Minions

You can’t go wrong with everyone’s favorite little guys, and they are so easy to create!


This first picture is actually just blue and yellow plastic eggs joined together, with a googly eye attached, and some fine Sharpie craftsmanship.  This is also a great example of using fake eggs to make original Easter decorations.


This next example uses real eggs, and the designs are achieved by dipping half into the yellow coloring, and half into the blue, then finishing up with some accessories and details.

To Dye for Egg #2 – Gaming Eggs


In many video games today, there are already plenty of “Easter Eggs” included, if you know what I’m talking about–so why not turn the tables and put some games on your own Easter Eggs. While the skill level to achieve the designs pictured here is basically over 9000, it will still be fun trying to do what you can! Again, do not underestimate the power of the permanent markers.

To Dye for Egg #3 – Swirly Eggs


Swirly eggs are also the professional sounding name I give to most of the eggs I create to cover up for the fact that I either messed up, or totally can’t draw anything else but a loopty-loop; that’s my secret, and I’m okay with it. These eggs can also be referred to as “abstract” and “artistic”, and any child, or adult, can create a masterpiece worthy of famous art galleries using this technique.  Again, do not underestimate the power of the permanent markers.

To Dye for Egg #4 – Cartoon Eggs


If there’s one thing kids know the best, it’s cartoons—and let’s go ahead and give up a round of applause for cartoons creating new content for our children to watch, so it’s less likely that we have to revisit the same exact dialogue and story event over and over and over again…that is, until they want us to buy the season DVD. Anyhow, encouraging your children to make their favorite cartoon character is a good way to get their creativity flowing. Look up pictures on Google and print them out, or use a coloring book or toy for them to reference. Again, do not underestimate the power of the permanent markers.

To Dye for Egg #5 – Zombie Eggs


Zombies have never been more popular than they are today. Heck, there are people practically praying for the Zombie Apocalypse to actually happen while they’re holed up in their underground bunkers. Not that this scenario describes you, of course, but either way, making “Zombeggs” is fun. Have I mentioned yet, to not underestimate the power of the permanent markers?

To Dye for Egg #6 – Super Hero Eggs


It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No! It’s an Easter Egg! These are fun eggs to make because there is so many different ways they can be created! The turtle picture is an actual photo of Easter Eggs I created. Yes, you are looking at true artwork there. The eyes were purchased from Wal-Mart on a sticker sheet that cost about a dollar, and the rest is achieved by dye and markers (do not underestimate the power of the permanent markers.) You can recreate the super hero’s symbols, or you can actually attempt to make them—the choice yours!

To Dye for Egg #7 – Herb Stenciled Eggs


This looks like it would be hard to achieve, but it’s actually quite easy. The picture calls for herbs, but any type of flexible stencil will work. Cut out a square piece of some old panty hose and place your stencil in the middle and your egg on top. Pull the panty hose taut and close off with a twist tie, rubber band, or ponytail holder. Set the egg in dye until you get the color you desire, and voila!

To Dye for Egg #8 –Simple White Egg Designs



To Dye for Egg #9 – Glitter Eggs


Glue and glitter: that’s all you need. Paint the whole thing, slather it in glitter, and beauty is created. Put dots, or rings, or write your name, draw a flower—anything looks good covered in glitter.

To Dye for Egg #10 – Temporary Egg Tattoos


So, this is probably the easiest way to get amazing results. There are temporary tattoos at every store with just about anything on them! Flowers, hearts, super heroes, the Statue of Liberty—you name it. This is also a pretty inexpensive way to decorate your eggs as well. This idea is also easier to execute in terms of messes, and little kiddos can participate without much help!

Happy Easter everyone! 

The Party Place

1200 S. Waldron Road, Fort Smith, AR 479-782-9494

4202 W. Green Acres Road, Rogers, Arkansas 479-230-9494

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