Spooky, Fun Party? Halloween Bash for Teens!
Getting ready to throw a Halloween party for teens? Well here’s a few good ideas you might need! Conjure up a few ghost stories, summon the spirits, and create devilish looking Jack-O-Lanterns. A teenage Halloween party can actually be fun for all ages—yes, that includes parents as well! Invite the moms and dads over for a ghoulish time, and add a few adult beverages just for them!
Teens are nearing the end of their trick-or-treating years, and honestly so are the adults who have to lug them around, but a Halloween bash makes everyone happy! You need Halloween decorations (of course—and we have a few in stock, if you know what we mean)…balloons, awesome scary tunes, cauldrons, streamers, tombstones, skeletons, and some great recipes are all needed for the perfect party!
Teens enjoy wearing fun, daring, and creepy costumes while carousing around the party, so let them have their fun! Let your kiddos cut loose, and get crazy—and they’ll have a great time!
The Meat of the Party
For the greatest of Halloween parties that will have the whole school talking, you need to make it an elaborate affair. Get dry ice, spooky music–and you must have a replica cemetery constructed. Create a scary dance floor and add a fog machine for the full effect. For more fun, have someone act as a palm or tarot reader and give everyone their very own fortunes! If you have the land to do it, incorporate a hay ride—maybe even through your very own haunted trail!
Lesser Evil
Maybe an elaborate affair isn’t what your teen wants…no biggie. All you really need is a few decorations, some great music, awesome food, and the teens will have a great time just hanging out with their buddies all dressed up in costumes!
Tick Tick Tock
Give your invitations out about 2 weeks before hand. There really is no set date when throwing a party is better or not. Do it on Halloween, the week before, or even the day after, no one cares as long as they have a good time while they’re there! Just make sure you have it at night, because it’s much more spooky that way, and really sets the tone!
Game Time
No good party is complete without some sort of games! Depending on the group you are catering to, some games may be more fun than others. Pumpkin relays or a pumpkin pie eating contest are good ideas—then there’s always the “Dance Off”. Whatever you decide, just make sure to get the whole crowd involved!
There are many good ideas for food, but we’re just going to leave this picture here because this is the best idea for a food setting at a Halloween party that we’ve ever seen. Do this. For sure.
So to recap, you need food, good music, games, and an open invitation to let the teens “cut loose” a little bit. Make sure you have plenty of chaperones at the event, just in case that one kid- you know who we’re talking about- decides to get out of hand—or someone decides to start a game of the “Spin the Bottle”—uh no.
All in all, have a good Halloween and of course for any of your decoration or costume needs, give us a visit! Boo!
The Party Place
1200 S. Waldron Road, Fort Smith, AR 479-782-9494
4202 W. Green Acres Road, Rogers, Arkansas 479-230-9494
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