The Difference is in the Details
Take a look at this reception. Yes, it is pretty, but boy do those Edison bulbs help take it to the next level.
You don’t need a large budget to accomplish this, in fact, quite the opposite. If you spend time executing your details, you will spend less. It is always the last minute stuff that can and will blow a budget. The planning phase is often overlooked but is perhaps the most important detail of any successful event. Before any event, I host, whether it be a fundraiser or a BBQ at my home I always pre-plan the menu and fine-tune the details as I go. I am a list maker by nature and while I love my smartphone, I seem to stay the most organized with an old-fashioned pencil and paper. However, you need to make a list is up to you, but the main thing is to make a list. Your list needs to begin with the large details planned far in advance, leaving time to plan the small details, making the event perfect and memorable.
I also find it easier to pull an event off if I decide on a theme. For instance, make the event Italian, a Southern BBQ, a crawfish boil, whatever you choose. Once you decide, research other events with that theme. Make a board on Pinterest of everything you love about the party theme and spend time researching how you can replicate while adding own unique touch. Party Place offers just about any theme you can think of.
Take these cute Llama Cutouts I found there the other day. An entire party theme can be planned around them. Who wouldn’t want a great llama-themed birthday party like this one from Style Me Pretty?
From these simple cutouts, you can create this great party. Party Place has just about everything you need to help you pull this awesome theme off from the balloons to the plates and napkins.
Remember, the difference in the details goes for weddings, small dinner parties, or anything else you may be hosting. Stop by a Party Place near you today to check out all the great items for your next event.