March 20, 2024 By empadmin 0

Flower Power Party

The best part about spring is definitely the plethora of fresh flowers that are present in every garden, park, grocery store, and local flower shops! It makes me think the world has truly begun anew, and there are so many possibilities of what could come. 

I think it would be a fun party idea to host your own flower bouquet party! There is a shop that has this “build your own bouquet” bar that is just exquisite. You get to pick everything out, and it feels so personal. They use lots of wild flowers and other nontraditional flowers for bouquets, and they are always simply stunning.

So, that being said, my perfect Spring Flower Power party involves making our own take-home bouquets with all the local and wild flowers we can find! No need to spend tons of money when you can forage around public and natural spaces. Just make sure you’re not taking flowers from someone’s garden or on private property.

This is stunning decor for this type of party, and with fishing line, flower wire and something to hang flowers on, you’ve got the prettiest decor.

Courtesy of Instagram

Courtesy of Hen Box

You can totally go buy bulk flowers for this party if you prefer, it truly is up to you.

This is the perfect party to showcase those cottage core vibes, so do not miss out on that.

If you aren’t into bouquets then make flower crowns, necklaces, or anything else that lets you live out those garden girl dreams.

Stop by Party Place for chic decor, tablecloths, and cutlery for all those extra odds and ends. Consider pastel balloons for an easy, show stopping arch too.  Online or in store, we've got you covered!