Birthday Party in a Box
Summertime is normally a time for celebrations and fund birthday parties, but with current COVID-19 restrictions celebrating is continuing to look different this year.
As a kid I can remember looking forward to the summer to celebrate my birthday as well as my friends — plus its a fun way to know I was going to get to see my favorite school friends. I cannot imagine how parents and kids are feeling right now with so much uncertainty to what they will and will not be able to do but I do know that COVID-19 restrictions do not mean the day is any less special.

A perfect way to make a birthday special for someone in your life that you cannot see and celebrate with in person is a “Birthday in a Box” — this idea is not only good to be mailed to someone but fun for the birthday boy or girl to open at home in a room all decked out.

When setting the scene for your Birthday in a Box first fill the room with special balloons to let them know that despite the circumstances it is still a special day. Perhaps start the day off with a birthday cake made of donuts for an extra sweet surprise in the morning.
Now to the box — first you will need a cardboard box, it can be plain or decorated to your liking, after you get the box throw in a box of cake mix, icing, and some candles for the cake portion of the “party.” Next throw in all of the party essentials such as: part hats, fun paper plates and napkins, noise makers, streamers, confetti, birthday banner, and maybe even a mini pinata.
This is a simple “party” and not your average large and in charge party but it is something easy to do at home or to send to someone you love. You can find all of these “necessities” aside from the cake mix at The Party Place of course.