back to school cover
August 13, 2020 By empadmin 0

Back-to-School Bash

Can you believe it — summer has already come and gone and now the kiddos are back to school or will be soon if they aren’t already. I know for many families this may look a little different in years past whether it be by the states choice or personal choice, so much like the kick-off to summer party, I suggested you might want to have a Back-to-School Bash with your kiddos to help them get excited about this new and different school year.

For many kiddos actually returning to the classroom masks are required and that can be scary for a kid or even an adult knowing that you are required to wear one all day and keep other hygiene guidelines in mind like social distancing. Maybe at your back-to-school bash, you can decorate masks that are special to your kids or make a lanyard to keep the mask attached to that way your little or not so little one can keep up with it when it is not in use.

However, just because things are looking a little different doesn’t mean we can’t have a good old-fashioned party. This particular party doesn’t necessarily need a theme other than to promote positive vibes and lift up everyone’s spirit. I imagine this party being full of bright colors and full of signs of affirmation. When it comes to gathering your supplies The Party Place has everything you need.

aisle of color

First, we need to head down the aisle stocked full of colors — on this aisle, we can find just about any supply we might need in the color of our choice. I also suggest picking up some name cards but using them as affirmation cards. The affirmation cards can be sat around for people to look at or take home. I have a friend who is a teacher in Oklahoma and she has made an affirmation corner in her classroom, perhaps you can do something like this at your party or in your own home.

affirmation corner
photo cred: @coolwithmsspruill

Second, we need to invite either some kiddos from school over or maybe just some family or family friends and get to celebrating. Instead of traditional party food make sweet little packed lunches for everyone to enjoy while they are decorating their masks in the fun bright and happy escape you have made in your home with your selected decorations like streamers, balloons, fun paper plates, cups, maybe even a little confetti?

However you celebrate be sure to embrace one another and lift everyone up with some positive vibes as we all embark on this new season and chapter of learning either in the classroom, at home, or virtually.