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Christmas Wine Exchange

Look, Christmas is not just for the kids! Adults need to have some fun too. So, naturally, when I saw these Christmas Wine Bottle Bags at the Party Place, I just knew we needed to throw a party with such.

Why not do a fun and festive wine exchange? This is the easiest way to get some adults involved and interested in a fun little party. This can be a great one to use for coworker parties, charity events, and other things you might struggle finding a good theme for if it’s not just for friends. Though, don’t be discouraged, I love doing these with my friends too!

You can even kick it up a notch with an ugly Christmas sweater contest or do something a little more “elegant” with a semi-black tie dress code if this is for a serious crowd.

However, if you want to do the fun Christmas sweater moment, we even have you covered on that end. Just click here.

Anyways, how do you do a wine exchange?

Well, it is quite simple. Set a price range on bottles and/or guidelines (red, white, bubbly, etc). Also, ask them to bring two identical bottles. The first bottle is made for tasting throughout the night, and the second bottle will be for the swap.

There are many ways to play the swap game, but I like to think of it like Dirty Santa. Since everyone has been able to try the wines, they have a good indication of what it is they are trying to take home! People will draw names to see the order and are able to steal bottles, swap with players, or try and keep their hands on the one they really want!

Plus, this is much more fun than Dirty Santa because chances are, people actually want this gift haha!

Do not forget to get some great appetizers and grazing boards for this event. Wine tasting needs food! So either prepare, cater, or ask people to bring items that go well with their wines.

Eat, drink, and be merry! ‘Tis the season!

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Llama Llama Party-rama!

llama themed party

Courtesy of Birthday in a Box

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with llamas. Truth be told, I still love them more than the average person, probably. They are just such a goofy animal, you know? Fluffy, long necks, kind of short legs, big eyes… adorable. I just think they look cute and goofy, what more could you want? Anyways, since llamas are pretty popular with kids these days, I feel seen, you know? Regardless of my feelings, I do think llamas are a great theme for a birthday party.

From my own experience—animal-centered birthday parties are always winners with kids. Who knows why? Animals are just fun creatures! Also, I think animal parties are the easiest to buy decorations for, stick to the theme, and engage with the kids. There’s a lot you can do with color palettes, games, snacks, and whatever else when you have one central animal taking the lead.

In this case, we are going with the llama. Lucky for you guys, here at Party Place we love our llamas too. If you click here, you can look at all of our llama-tastic decorations. This includes balloons, plates, cups, and even garlands!

Here are my favorite llama party supplies:

Llama Invitations

Party Blowouts

Llama Balloon

White & Green Llama Party Centerpiece

Once you exhaust our awesome source of llama decorations, your job is relatively easy after that. It’s now all about the arranging and food offerings that you have that make or break a party. However, if its for kids, your job just got easier. I feel like children are easier to please and wow when you throw a fun and colorful party for them. I know my nephew is excited simply at the sight of balloons, haha! Like the photo at the top, I recommend getting one centerpiece-style table, bar, or cabinet that can have all food, cake, and main décor set up on it. This way your main party area is clean, well done, and of course, minimal to clean up.

Especially with kids parties, by containing the party décor to one table and perhaps another for eating and gift opening, as well as an area with a game, you are better off for party clean up and enjoyment.

Don’t make things harder than they have to be! Get those llama decorations and go from there. The décor is always a great place to start and focus your visions. Cheers to all your llama party endeavors. We hope to see you guys soon.

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Movie Night!

With all the school events kicking back up and our schedules filling up again, let’s destress by throwing ourselves a movie night party! Personally, I love movies, and therefore, I love movie nights. There is just something so appealing to me about sitting down and wasting the night away with my friends watching a bunch of movies. I’ll be honest, sometimes we do more talking than real movie watching, but hey, the commentary during the movie is always hilarious.

I actually just got a vintage projector screen from Belle Starr Antique & Vintage Market here in Fort Smith, that is literally my new favorite thing. I know it is going to elevate my movie parties with my friends at college! Even in a small space like my college apartment’s porch, I am able to throw some super fun parties for all my friends. The best thing is that it really is just about us finding the time to enjoy each other’s company during the business of the semester, so that’s why these really hold a special place in my heart.

porch projector

Here is my projector screen on my porch!

However, I am totally going to elevate my movie night parties even more with some fitting decorations! I am thinking for my next movie night I’ll do a lovely black and gold color palette for that classic Hollywood glam.

For example, this Black and Gold Metallic Tassel Garland would be perfect to hang around my apartment and porch for some flare. I would also suggest buying a few of the awards night statuettes to put on your tables and maybe where you’re keeping the snacks to get a cohesive Hollywood flow for your movie night!

gold tassels

Lastly, I would decorate the walls behind my screen or even scattered on my table with these fantastic die-cut foil stars. They just scream “movie night under the stars,” and I am totally here for it!

The best part is that you can do a simple popcorn bar with lots of toppings to offer, and your food is taken care of for the night! I love popcorn to an unhealthy extent so this is honestly the dream.

popcorn bar

Courtesy of

Anyways, this is a great and easy way to get all your friends over before things get too chaotic with school and other life events! Cherish the time you have with them all, and get that movie night rocking!