Tag: Christmas Party

By empadmin

Merry Grinchmas!

My nephew has an obsession with the Grinch movie from Illumination, which is what I would assume is this new generation’s version of the iconic Christmas character. I watched it, and it was very good and cute, but when I watched it for the 70th time with him… I was a little tired of it.

By empadmin

Gingerbread House Decorating Party

One of my favorite holiday traditions when I was a kid was decorating a gingerbread house. A childhood friend of mine always hosted this super fun gingerbread house party for all of her daughter’s friends, and it was amazing!

By empadmin

Ornament Exchange Party

It’s the holiday season so hoop-de-do and hickory dock… and well you know the rest to the Andy WIlliams classic. It is officially the time of year to start hosting those holiday parties, social distanced and safe of course. If you are looking for something on the smaller scale I would recommend an ornament exchange party