Life is full of pasta-bilities!
I was looking at national holidays (you know, as one does), and I saw that July 14th is the national holiday for mac and cheese. I am not asking you to throw a mac and cheese party, though you are more than welcome to do so, but instead, I want everyone to throw a pasta party.
Pasta is one of my favorite categories of food. I am a big Italian food fan, so it honestly only makes sense that I am this way. I have been to Italy three times, and each time I have taken a pasta making class with my favorite chef in the world… Chef Fabio!
He is such a fun guy, and he is super Italian. By this I mean that he puts me to shame every time I come back and tell him I have in fact bought boxed pasta again.
He usually just sighs and tells me “but you know how to make pasta, stop eating this garbage!” Yes, those are his words, not mine.
So, I am going to give you guys this super-secret pasta recipe for this pasta party.
First, I am going to tell you how to set up the pasta party.
Basically, we are making little Italy. Since it is summer outside, let’s go for an outdoor dinner party vibe. Get the bistro lights hung, a cute little gingham table cloth placed, and the Italian love songs rolling. Click here for an Italian playlist on Spotify.

For décor, think about making food the centerpiece. That is very Italian. Go simple and let the food do the talking. If you want to get real Italian though, get some empty wine bottles, place skinny, long candle sticks in the top of the wine bottle. This is a super easy but fun way to add some rustic, Italian character to your tables.

Now, for the pasta recipe, we are making tagliatelle.
Just four ingredients:
- 2 cups all-purpose flour, spooned & leveled
- 3 large eggs
- ½ teaspoon sea salt
- ½ tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
- Make a small volcano/nest with your flour and place your cracked egg in the middle of your volcano/nest on a clean, flat surface. (make sure to have a little flour reserved for later)
- Add in the salt and olive oil to the nest with the egg.
- Take a fork and gently start incorporating the egg mix into the flour. (be careful to not let the nest break and the egg go everywhere!)
- Once it comes into a shaggy ball, start to knead it with your hands until a smooth dough ball is formed.
- After this, clean off your area and put fresh flour on the surface.
- Place your dough ball in the middle of the floured surface, then roll out until thin and flat.
- Take your flat dough sheet and roll longways half way. Repeat on the other side.
- Now, take a knife and cut ¼ inch pieces that cut across both rolled sides. Repeat until end of the dough.
- Then, take your knife, slide it under the cut dough rolls and gently pick up the knife. You’ll see the dough unroll into lovely strips!
- Now, boil your noodles for about 3-4 minutes and add whatever sauce you want.
- Enjoy!
Here is a photo of me and Fabio.