Category: news

By empadmin

Spooky Season

For some September first is the “official” start to the spooky season or as I like to call it Falloween — which means it is time to pack up the summer decorations and break out the pumpkins. However, maybe you aren’t ready to give up summer just yet you can still use the month of September to plan the perfect Halloween party. My little sister was known for her annual Halloween parties up until she went off to college! So, whether it is an old tradition for your family or maybe a spur of the moment decision The Party Place is going to have everything you need to make it spook-tac-ular!

By empadmin

Back-to-School Bash

Can you believe it — summer has already come and gone and now the kiddos are back to school or will be soon if they aren’t already.

By empadmin


After what has felt like years and years without sports the MLB and NBA are back! It may not be the way we are used to watching it, but hey I will take what I can get and I am sure many of you are feeling the same way.

By empadmin

Vegas Staycation

Are you feeling lucky but COVID-19 is keeping you from taking that trip to Vegas? Well, it is time to bring Vegas to your home with a fun Casino Night themed party!

By empadmin

Summer Home Drive-In

It is finally June which means summer is in full swing and despite COVID-19 restrictions relaxing, the number of cases…

By empadmin

Summer Kick-Off Party

When you think of summer you think of the kiddos finally being home from school, but things have been slightly different this year with the kids coming home much sooner than they normally do. What better way than to mark the joyous occasion of summer break despite the no scenery change than with a fun summer kick-off party?

By empadmin

Birthday Party in a Box

Summertime is normally a time for celebrations and fund birthday parties, but with current COVID-19 restrictions celebrating is continuing to…