
Category: news

By empadmin

Donut Miss This Party

Sorry, but you know I had to do it to you… I can never miss the opportunity for a super corny pun. However, I am serious about not missing this holiday. June 4th. Is. National. Donut. Day.

By empadmin

Memorial Day Bash

Nothing screams Memorial Day more to me than a BBQ/cookout vibe. Maybe it’s because school is over by Memorial Day…

By empadmin

Bubble Party! No, Not that Kind of Bubble!

Guys. Big news. Did you know that April 30th is National Bubble Tea Day?! I KNOW. Please, hold your excitement, I know it is hard! Anyways, what better way to celebrate this fun and random holiday than to throw a bubble tea party!

By empadmin

Bunny Brunch: An Easter Celebration!

I think Easter has some of the cutest decorations out of all the holidays in the year. It is like the ultimate way of saying spring has sprung! The pastels! The eggs! The bunnies! The flowers!

By empadmin

St. Paddy’s Day in the (Home) Pub

Alright, folks. I don’t know about you, but when I think about St. Patrick’s Day, I immediately think about going to a pub. More specifically, I think about going to a pub where there is lots of beer being poured, green everything everywhere, and singing karaoke.